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Run step using YAML config

It's possible to parametrise the functionality of a step using a YAML configuration file. This is useful when you want to run a step multiple times with different parameters or simply to avoid having to specify the same parameters every time you run a step.


The package uses Hydra to handle configuration files. For more information, please visit the Hydra documentation.

To run a step using a configuration file, you need to create a configuration file in YAML format.

├─ step/
│  └─
└─ my_config.yml

The configuration file should contain the parameters you want to use to run the step. For example, to run the gene_index step, you need to specify the step.target_path and step.gene_index_path parameters. The configuration file should look like this:

    - config
    - _self_

This config file will specify that your configuration file will inherit the default configuration (config) and everything provided (_self_) will overwrite the default configuration.

    - gene_index

target_path: /path/to/target
gene_index_path: /path/to/gene_index

This config file will inherit the default configuration for the gene_index step and overwrite the target_path and gene_index_path parameters.

Once you have created the configuration file, you can run your own new my_gene_index:

gentropy step=my_gene_index --config-dir=config --config-name=my_config